Mouthguard Therapy
Creating beautiful smiles in Vancouver, WA for more than 30 years!
13023 Northeast Highway 99 Suite 5 Vancouver, WA
Creating beautiful smiles in Vancouver, WA for more than 30 years!
We are proud to offer the Silent Nite® Sleep Appliance, designed to minimize and possibly completely alleviate your snoring and sleep apnea symptoms. We work with many doctors who refer their patients to us to treat mild sleep apnea with this device.
The Silent Nite® device sets the lower jaw forward ever so slightly, relieving your airway, and making for a restful, uninterrupted night’s sleep. While you are wearing this snore guard, you can still move and open your mouth. So, this makes it a comfortable mouthguard to wear. Your progress is occasionally monitored on a wrist-worn oximeter over the course of a few months, graphing improvements to blood oxygen levels.
Patients love the Silent Nite® device. Spouses love it too. Ask your doctor about the Silent Nite® Sleep Appliance or contact us for a free consultation!
If you grind or clench your teeth at night, have a jaw that clicks or pops, or have occasional pain near the joint in your ear, a nightguard or other dental appliance can offer you some relief. We have many options available here at Salmon Creek Dental Center. Contact us today to find out about your sleep comfort options.
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