Get Your Denture in Vancouver, WA
Creating beautiful smiles in Vancouver, WA for
more than 30 years!
13023 Northeast Highway 99 Suite 5 Vancouver, WA
Creating beautiful smiles in Vancouver, WA for
more than 30 years!
Our passion is your smile. A healthy, confident, and beautiful smile is what we strive for. If you are looking to improve your smile, then dental dentures are for you. At Salmon Creek Dental, we offer customized denture services that exceed the levels of comfort and efficiency.
At Salmon Creek Dental, we understand that all patients are unique and have unique oral anatomy.
Dental Dentures are tooth replacements that mimic the natural appearance of your teeth. Dentures are of two kinds: partial and full.
1- Partial Dentures:
Partial dentures are supported by a metal frame attached to your existing teeth to fill the gap between missing teeth/teeth. Partial dentures are removable oral appliances recommended if you are missing only a small number of teeth.
2- Full Dentures
Full dentures replace a full arch of teeth. If you are missing all or complete upper or lower arch of teeth, full dentures will act as a replacement. Traditional full dentures are placed after extracting teeth and allowing gum tissues to heal. Immediate full dentures can be placed right after extraction.
Implant-supported dentures are a great alternative to full or partially missing teeth. With the support of a few dental implant posts, dentures are placed with enhanced durability, protection, aesthetics, and functionality. Patients who may not have enough bone volume to support full dental implants can benefit from implant-supported dentures.
Just as our natural teeth demand care and maintenance, it is also vital to upkeep dental restorations to make them last longer. It is essential to care for dentures to prevent bacteria from collecting and spreading inside your mouth. Here is how you can care for dental dentures:
To prevent your dentures from damage or breakage, remove them before performing any strenuous activity.
Patients with denture restorations can develop tartar or plaque. Regular brushing and flossing are important to keep your dentures clean. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean your dentures gently. Avoid bending dentures to prevent them from breaking. Rinse your mouth after every meal.
We recommend our patients a gentle cleanser. Cleaning dentures with soap, dish wash, or conventional toothpaste can minimize their life.
Keep your dentures moist when not wearing. It is common for patients to let dentures sit in dry and open areas. Not keeping your dentures in a cleaning solution can cause them to crack or move out of shape. There are different soaking solutions available; we suggest our patients use the one that works best with the quality of our dentures.
If your dentures crack or break due to an accident, schedule a consultation with us immediately. Avoid putting broken dentures as they can cause damage to the gums. Schedule a dental check-up with Salmon Creek Dental today for a healthy smile.
We Are Available For All Of Your Routine, Cosmetic, And Protective Dentistry Needs!
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